Career Training and Employment Opportunities
Partner 4 Work provides many programs that offer paid and unpaid training, transitional jobs, and career readiness training to Pittsburgh residents.
Pittsburgh Job Corps Center offers hands on training in fields such as culinary arts, nurising, construction, and much more.
PA CareerLink offers a user-friendly online job-matching system that was created to help bridge the gap between job-seekers and employers. Users can create and upload their resume and apply for jobs in their area.
Jewish Family and Children Services' Career Services provides career assessments, counseling, workshops, and events. Speak to their intake specialist by calling 412-422-5627 or emailing careerservices@jfcspgh.org
EmployHER Pittsburgh is designed to remove barriers like access to childcare and transportation through pop up engagement events. Each woman who attends the opportunity fair will be supported by a success partner to help you set and achieve your self-defined goals over six-month period.
PA Women Work strives to help individuals find lasting employment that pays a family-sustaining wage through unique and life-changing job searches and interview preparation programs.